Chris Lema

Chris Lema has been leading people smarter than himself for more than 20 years. He's a blogger, public speaker, product strategist, and currently works at Liquid Web as their VP of Products.

Learn to delegate

A buddy of mine introduced me to the phrase, “The speed of the leader, the speed of the team.” It represents the notion that leaders can sometimes slow the progress of their team, just like they can also help it move more quickly. I’ve never wanted my teams to perform poorly. I’ve never signed up …

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Leaders make tough calls

When Charles “Sully” Sullenberger got on the plane and flight that would make him famous, nothing suggested they’d one day make a film depicting his calm decision making. The toughest call he made is one barely depicted in the movie, Sully. He chose to keep flying the plane. He had the First Officer start going …

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Leaders focus on Customers

Amazon has a list of leadership principles that I find incredibly articulate and valuable. Consider this one on Customer Obsession: Leaders start with the customer and work backwards. They work vigorously to earn and keep customer trust. Although leaders pay attention to competitors, they obsess over customers. Found at: I know people that focus …

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The power of phone scripts (and why every non-sales person should read this book)

This week I’m reading a book called, “Power Phone Scripts” by Mike Brooks. It is, as you might guess, a book about phone scripts for sales people to help them close deals on the phone. So why would I, a non-sales person, read such a book? Because leading people and working across teams to make …

The power of phone scripts (and why every non-sales person should read this book) CONTINUE READING

The one thing you have in common with top performers

It doesn’t matter what role you have in your company — whether you’re the founder, ceo, janitor, sales rep, engineer or part of the admin staff — there’s something you have in common with everyone else in your company. You also have this is common with the top performers in your company. You even have this in common with …

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