Chris Lema

Chris Lema has been leading people smarter than himself for more than 20 years. He's a blogger, public speaker, product strategist, and currently works at Liquid Web as their VP of Products.

You only regret the things you don’t do – GaryVee

I know Gary Vaynerchuk is not only awesome and inspirational, but he’s also a pretty smart guy. So it’s not often that I write a post that refutes his logic. I think most of us will regret things we’ve spent too much time on because we chose poorly.

Go find your broom

I love everything I’ve ever read by or about John Wooden on leadership. Today I saw this quote and couldn’t help but bring it to you. John Wooden coached basketball at UCLA for a living, but his calling was to impact people, and with all those national championships, guess what he was found doing in …

Go find your broom CONTINUE READING

Learn to get out of the way

When you step into your first leadership role, you likely have a tiny voice that’s freaking you out. It’s simultaneously telling you that you’re not qualified for the job, while also reminding you that you’ll need all the answers to all the questions that come your way. The other day I walked into a frozen …

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